Post-Op Care Instructions at home

Extractions - Removal of teeth.

·         Place a cold towel or ice bag on your cheek on the side of your extraction for 15 minutes on, then 15 minutes off.  Repeat this 15 minute on, 15 minute off interval for the first 8 hours following your extraction.

  1. ·         Do not rinse mouth until the following day.
  2. ·         On the morning following your extraction, rinse mouth GENTLY with warm water mixed with ½ teaspoon of salt.  Repeat this several times daily.
  4. ·         AVOID SMOKING OR TOBACCO CHEWING.  Doing so may cause dry socket that may cause severe pain and may require further treatment.
  5. ·         A thin, white, tissue layer will commonly develop at the extraction site.  This is normal.  Do not disturb or remove tissue layer.
  6. ·         BLEEDING – it is normal for your saliva to be slightly mixed with some blood for about 12 – 18 hours following your extraction.  If excessive bleeding occurs, place a piece of moist gauze over extraction site and bite down for 45 minutes.
  7. ·         PAIN & DISCOMFORT – it is normal to experience some discomfort.   If any medication has been prescribed to you, take as directed.
  8. ·         Swelling & stiffness of jaw – it is normal to have some swelling and stiffness following your extraction. Apply cold, then warm towel in 15 minute intervals will help reduce swelling and stiffness.
  9. ·         Diet – a soft or liquid diet is recommended for the first 24 hours following your extraction.    Drink plenty of fluids.

Please call our office if you experience excessive pain, swelling, bleeding, or have any further concerns.


  1. ·         Aplicar una toalla fría o una bolsa de hielo en la cara por las primeras 6-8 horas.  Dejarlo por 15 minutos y lo retira.
  2. ·         No escupa el día de la extracción hasta la mañana siguiente.
  3. ·         Al día siguiente por la mañana enjuáguese la boca con un vaso de agua tibia y ½ cucharada de sal.  Repita esto cuantas veces sean necesarias.
  4. ·         No poner sus dedos y lengua en el área de la extracción.
  5. ·         El sangrado y la saliva es normal durante el día.  Si siente que no es normal aplique gasas sobre la extracción y muerda durante 30-45 minutos.
  6. ·         Durante la cirugía dental, es normal sentirse incomodo. Si se le receto algún medicamento tómelo como se lo indiquen.
  7. ·         El ardor al pasar saliva es normal no es causa de alarma.  Puede aplicar una toalla fría o una bolsa con hielo durante 15 minutos de cada hora en cuanto sea  necesario durante el primer día y después cosas tibias.
  8. ·         Por las primeras 24 horas procurar comer y beber líquidos.
  9. ·         Regrese al Dentista si presenta alguna molestia fuera de lo normal.                                            Puede llamar si tiene alguna pregunta 


Zoom In-Office Teeth Whitening

 CONGRATULATIONS! You have just experienced a revolutionary tooth whitening procedure. The next 48 hours are important in enhancing and maximizing your whitening results for a long lasting, bright and healthy smile.

 Everyone’s teeth have a protective layer called the acquired pellicle. This layer contains the surface dental stains and is removed during a regular dental cleaning or the whitening process. It takes twelve to twenty four hours for the barrier to fully develop again. To maximize the whitening, we ask that for the next 48 hours, you DO NOT consume dark, yellow, or heavily pigmented staining substances such as:

  • All tobacco products  
  • Avoid colored lipstick            
  • Coffee / Tea            
  • Red Wine          
  • Soft Drinks / Potato Chips       
  • Mustard / Ketchup                    
  • Berries                     
  • Red Sauces        
  • Soy Sauce

Remember that you must not use any colored toothpastes or gels for the first 48 hours. In addition, do not use any colored mouthwash or home fluoride treatments. If your daily homecare involves the use of Perio Rx or any Chlorahexidine, please wait 48 hours before continuing the usage of this product. If post operative sensitivity occurs, chew sugarless gum to reduce the peroxide levels, take an Advil or Tylenol, or what you would normally use for a headache, and brush with Sensodyne.

Periodontal (gum) care

  1. ·         It is normal for your gums to be sore for a few days following your periodontal treatment.  If needed, you can take over the counter pain reliever such as Tylenol or Advil.
  2. ·         A liquid or soft diet is recommended for the first 24 hours after treatment.
  3. ·         Drink plenty of fluids
  4. ·         Swelling & Pain:  Place cold towels or ice bag on your face for the first 6-8 hours.  Leave it on 15 minutes, then off for 15 minutes to help with swelling and/or pain.
  5. ·         On the morning following treatment rinse mouth with warm salt water (1/2 teaspoon salt dissolved in 1 cup of warm water) repeat several times daily.
  6. ·         Brushing – you brush gently with ONLY soft bristle toothbrush.  DO NOT use dental floss or other domestic dental products (i.e. electric toothbrush) until 48 hours after treatment. 
  7. ·         Since periodontal disease can reoccur we recommend getting your regular check-ups and cleanings every 6 months (or 3 months where needed) and maintaining good oral hygiene at home.

·         Please call us if you have any further questions or concerns.




  1. ·         Puede tomar medicamento para dolor como Tylenol, Motrin, Advil si llega a tenerlo.
  2. ·         Es recomendable tomar solo líquidos o una dieta de comidas suaves por las primeras 24 horas después de su tratamiento.
  3. ·         Tome mucha agua
  4. ·         Puede usar una toalla mojada o una bolsa con hielo en su cara por las primeras 6 a 8 horas.  Dejarla 15 minutos y quitársela 15 minutos.  Esto le ayudara para la inflamación y dolor.
  5. ·         Al día siguiente por la mañana enjuague su boca con agua tibia.  (Disuelva ½ cucharada de sal en 1 taza de agua tibia).
  6. ·         No use hilo dental o algún otro producto dental por ejemplo cepillo eléctrico hasta después de 48 horas de su tratamiento.
  7. ·         Es recomendable que después de su tratamiento Periodontal regrese de 3 a 6 meses para hacerse su limpieza regular para evitar que la infección en las encías regrese.  Mantenga una buena limpieza en casa
  8.  Puede llamar si tiene alguna pregunta 


Resin Composite Fillings

Refrain from eating at least 2 hours and until the anesthesia has worn off.


Sensitivity, especially to cold, is common for a time following treatment. For the first few days avoid extremely hot or cold foods and beverages. It is normal to have discomfort in the gums around the tooth after the anesthesia wears off due to the procedure.

If your gums are tender, rinse with warm salt water, dissolving 1/2 teaspoon of salt in an 8 oz. glass of warm water. An analgesic such as Tylenol or Advil will help to increase your comfort.

The New Filling:

After the placement of your new restoration, it may take a few days to get used to it. If your bite feels unbalanced, please be sure to call our office for an appointment for a simple adjustment.

Home Care:

Although the treatment that was performed is quite durable, the underlying tooth is still vulnerable to decay, especially at the interface between the tooth and filling. It is important to resume regular brushing and flossing immediately. Daily home care and regulating your intake of sugar-containing foods will increase the longevity of your new restoration.

 Root Canal Therapy

  1. For the first few days and up to 10 days following your Root Canal Treatment, you may feel some mild pain, soreness and sensitivity that can include throbbing and minor swelling while biting or chewing on your affected tooth. This can be especially pronounced if you had pain, swelling and/or infection prior to your treatment. This discomfort can be SPONTANEOUS beginning a few days after your treatment and may continue for 1-2 weeks or longer. If you have symptoms that persist for more than 10 days, please contact our office.
  2. Take any medication that is prescribed for you according to instructions. (If antibiotics have been prescribed and you take birth control pills, consult with a pharmacist and/or physician.)
  3. Continue brushing and flossing as normal, being careful on the treated tooth as the temporary filling could dislodge.
  4. Usually a temporary filling has been placed on your tooth. DO not bite or chew with the tooth for one hour and while your are numb. Also, be very gentle with the tooth until the permanent restoration is placed. Try to chew on the opposite side. Do not eat anything sticky or chewy for the next few days. It is good to drink liquids right away. This will aid in hardening the temporary filling.
  5. It is very important to contact your General Dentist office as soon as possible (within 15 days) following your root canal treatment for the final restoration. Any unnecessary delay on placement of the final restoration may damage the tooth permanently and/or allow the tooth to become re-infected.

Call our office if you are in severe pain or experience swelling or if you have any questions.

Post-OP Dentures and Partials

  • New dentures always require a period of adjustment.  First-time denture patients may require several weeks to get used to their new appliance.  Speech may be altered, and may require adaptation of the tongue and lips.

  • For the first few days, you should wear your dentures for as long as possible, and chew soft food in small bites.  Remember, dentures do not have the same chewing efficiency as natural teeth and may affect your taste of food.   If your bite feels uneven after several days, we can adjust the way your teeth contact at follow-up visits.

  • It is not unusual for sore spots to develop in isolated areas of the mouth.  These areas can be relieved easily at follow-up appointments.  If a severe sore spot develops which prevents wearing the denture and an appointment is made for adjustment, please wear the denture for 24 hours prior to the appointment.  This will greatly aid in locating the exact location of the area, and make adjustments significantly easier and more predictable.

  • Proper cleaning of your denture is important to prevent stains and bacteria from accumulating on your appliance.  Since cleaning procedures differ for various types of appliances, please follow the directions given to you at your insertion appointment.

  • Do not wear your complete or partial dentures to bed.  It is important to allow your gum tissues and jaw bones to rest in order to prevent further tissue irritation, infection, and future bone shrinkage.

  • Over time, or with weight loss or gain, the supporting gum tissues and bone may change shape and size.  Periodic relines of your dentures may be necessary to ensure a retentive fit.  Denture teeth may wear or chip over time.  For this reason, an annual check of your tissues and dentures is recommended.